Saturday 5 September 2015

General Concept for Angle of Projection

Engineering drawings follows two type of angle of projection: First angle of projection and Third angle of projection. In first angle of projection, object is assumed to be kept in the first quadrant, see Figure 1 and viewer viewing the object from the direction shown in Figure 1. As the object is kept in the first quadrant, its views projections are on the planes as shown in Figure 1. Now, on unfolding the planes of projections, the front view appears at the upper side and the top views appears at the bottom side in a drawing. Also, the right side view appears at the left and left side view appears at right side of the front view, see Figure 2. 

Drawing Spline driven by mathematical equations using the Equation Driven Curve tool of SOLIDWORKS

You can create spline driven by two type of mathematical equations: Explicit and Parametric by using the Equation Driven Curve tool of SOLIDWORKS.

Procedure to Draw  mathematical equations driven Spline by using the Explicit equation type
1. Invoke the Equation Driven Curve PropertyManager by clicking on the Equation Driven Curve tool in the Spline flyout.

2. Make sure that the Explicit radio button is selected in the Equation Type rollout of the Equation Driven Curve PropertyManager.
3. Enter the equation for Y as the function of x in the Yx field of the Parameters rollout. For example, enter the equation 2* sin(x)^12 in the Yx field.